

Always aiming to improve your long term health

Prioritise Your Health

Hi, I’m Phil, a qualified Naturopath and I just love making people healthier! I’m based in central Hove and specialise in Naturopathic Iridology.

Phil Hall - Qualified Therapist

Iridology is the science of Iris Diagnosis – the Iris being the coloured part of your eye. The various patterns and markings you can see in them are as unique as your fingerprints. These are actual bundles of nerve fibres – the only place they are visible on the outside of the body.

All of these nerve fibres (both motor and sensory) converge in the eye. They record the various connections of your nervous system throughout your body. Depending on the strength of these connections, we can determine your own inherited (potential) strengths and weaknesses and the effects of your current and previous lifestyle on your nervous system (which is then transmitted to the body).

We take a picture of each eye and enlarge them on a computer to give you a fascinating insight into your own unique health characteristics.

There’s plenty of time for questions and an e-mail facility for aftercare and support.

Understand more about how your own body actually works – where the weaknesses are – where problems might occur – what simple steps are needed to avoid them – what your strengths are and what you can get away with !


  • Identify health markers specific to you
  • Learn more about your own unique constitution
  • Support the body to repair and heal faster

As a Naturopath, I look at all factors affecting your health including diet, lifestyle and environment but also deeper more fundamental issues such as Balance, Purpose, Connection/Belonging and Acceptance.

My aim is to understand, educate, empower and heal you whatever the imbalance so you can find your true path in life and improve or maintain your current health.

Naturopathic Iridology Appt (90 mins)  £40


To confirm and secure your booking, please now pay for the appointment using the Paypal button below. Thank you.

Tel : 07812-372989     Email :

Opening Hours : Mon-Fri  1000-1900 / Sat  1000-1600

9 Medina Villas, Hove, BN3 2RJ